Your final score tonight, Spruce Creek Hawks 62 Viera Hawks 27. Next Friday night the Spruce Creek Hawks will host the University Titans at 7 pm. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Don't forget you can watch the game live on video streaming right here on . . . . . . . . .Again, your final score Spruce Creek 62 Viera Hawks 27.. . . . . . . . .
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First District Court of Appeals Finds Amendment 10 Does Apply to Volusia County.

Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 7:20PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News




It has been decided by the First District Court of Appeals that Amendment 10 does apply to Volusia County. The county has lost its appeal, which now will require a restructuring of the County Government.


This new ruling clears a path for a new elected Tax Collector to take office, and for Volusia County Sheriff, The Clerk of Courts, The Property Appraiser, and the Supervisor of Elections to become known as “Constitutional Officers,” and answer directly to the voters who put these officials in office.


These five elected officials will be in charge of their own budgeting and management decisions, but the County Council must still set the budgets for each department individually every year.


The cause for the appeal came when Amendment 10 was voted on and passed back in 2018, but Volusia County Government appealed the amendment, trying to grandfather in the 1970 Home Rule Charter.


Today, the First District Court of Appeal in Tallahassee rejected the County's appeal.

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