Your final score tonight, Spruce Creek Hawks 62 Viera Hawks 27. Next Friday night the Spruce Creek Hawks will host the University Titans at 7 pm. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Don't forget you can watch the game live on video streaming right here on . . . . . . . . .Again, your final score Spruce Creek 62 Viera Hawks 27.. . . . . . . . .
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Volusia County School Board votes to advertise an amendment to uniform policy.

Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 10:00AM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News


The Volusia County School Board voted Tuesday night to advertise an amendment to School Board Policy 217, which outlines the school district’s uniform policy.

The uniform policy has been in place since 2016 and requires students to wear a white, gray, or black collared, knit polo-style shirt or oxford style button-down shirt, with gray, navy blue, black, or khaki (tan) bottoms for Elementary and Middle School students. Under the policy, High school students can wear any solid color knit polo-style or oxford-style button-down shirt.

The amendment eliminates students from the uniform policy requirement but would still provide a dress code.

The dress code will still prohibit hats, clothing promoting gang violence, and revealing tops but will give students more options. Families can continue to allow students to wear uniforms if they so choose.

The School Board will hold the final vote at the next meeting on Tuesday, July 27.

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